We deliver our services through the VET Toolbox partner agencies and their networks. Since 2022, we focus on providing opportunity-driven actions in 11 selected Sub-Saharan African countries. We help improve local benefits of European investments through improved availability of skilled manpower, ensuring maximum employment impact. These actions focus on the following sectors:
From 2017 to 2022, we delivered services to countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia. They included:
• Technical assistance, building up VET system capacities.
• Funding of innovative projects promoting inclusion in VET and labour markets.
• Knowledge exchange activities aiming to influence changes in VET systems: twinning and mentoring partnerships, knowledge products, events.
The initial phase of implementation has yielded significant achievements, as highlighted below:
Discover our actions
Management of training centres (Senegal) - Senegal
Competence based education and training (Ghana, 2018) - Ghana
Implementation of apprenticeship laws - Pakistan
Innovative Approach to Inclusion of Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Youth, Particularly Young Women, into Employment Opportunities through VET Outreach Program
Increased employment opportunities for vulnerable and disadvantaged youth groups in Pakistan
Improving access to VET and employability among the marginalized and vulnerable youth in Mandera County
Enhancing vocational education and training service provision for women, youths and vulnerable groups in South Sudan
TVET for all through public-private partnerships in Zimbabwe
Youth with Complex Disabilities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Learn, Work and Earn!
Youth with Complex Disabilities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Learn, Work and Earn!
Youth with Complex Disabilities in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania Learn, Work and Earn!
Future Movers Programme: an innovative VET ecosystem promoting increased and certain employability among youth IDPs in post-conflict Marawi
Jobs for Youth: bridging the gap between VET and employment for street children and disadvantaged youth
Identification of new occupational profiles - Sudan
Development of a comprehensive national qualification framework - Sierra Leone
E-learning course “gender and disability mainstreaming for TVET Institutions” - Nigeria
Reforming the VET system - Mauritania
In-service TVET teacher training module “Curricula Adaptation for Disadvantaged Individuals” - Malaysia
Strengthen the sectorial roundtables strategy - Colombia
Digital maturity model for SMEs (Cambodia) - Cambodia
Reforming the structure of TVET - Iran
Digital TVET consultation platform - Ivory Coast
Mobile application for job service officers at TVET institutions - Nigeria
Implementation of TREE methodology (Training for Rural Economic Empowerment)
Organizational development of three Sector Skills Councils - Philippines
Local employment and labour market analysis - Senegal
Improve quality of VET for persons with disabilities - Malawi
Promotion of the employability of vulnerable young people in VET and inclusion of innovative services within the vocational training centres
Vulgarization of the new TVET law - Cameroon
Modern teaching methodology for Industry 4.0 - Nigeria
Management of training centres (Burkina Faso) - Burkina Faso
Institutional maturity model for TVET colleges - South Africa
Inspiring Somaliland and Central and South Somalia (CSS) Youth through skills training and creation of employment opportunities
Support project to strengthen the employability and professional integration of vulnerable young people in Pointe-Noire
Digital maturity model for SMEs (Ghana) - Ghana
AGEVEC: Academy for heavy and commercial vehicles - AGEVEC Senegal Academy Heavy Vehicles and Commercial Vehicles
Skills development in the sustainable construction and ICT sector - Skills development in Côte d’Ivoire
Rural electrification through solar-powered mini-grids - Uganda
Skills 4 Riders project - Nigeria
Cashew nut project - Nigeria
Management of training centres (Mali) - Mali
Organizational development of the Tourism and Hospitality Sector Skills Council - Uganda
Strengthening the ongoing VET and labour market reform programme - Botswana
Quality evaluation regimes and frameworks used for vocational colleges as benchmarking for advancing countries’ standards - Vietnam
Career Guidance, Curriculum Development & PPP’s - Ghana
Accreditation of training programmes - Uganda
Management of training centres (Vietnam) - Vietnam
Competence based education and training (Ghana, 2019) - Ghana
Gender and disability mainstream for VET institutions - Ghana
Application of labour market analysis - Tanzania
Gender mainstreaming for TVET Institutions - Tanzania
Organizational development and capacity building on modern pedagogical and didactic skills. - Uganda
Matching VET and labour market - Burundi
Gender and disability mainstream for VET institutions - Nigeria
National workshop on public-private partnerships in VET - Senegal
Analysis of labour market information practice in Nigeria - Nigeria
Development of occupational standards (Togo) - Togo
Improve private sector engagement in TVET and outcomes of TVET - Tanzania
Competence based training for instructors - Ghana
Responding to skills needs in construction, logistics, hotels/catering, and digital technology
Development of occupational standards (Mongolia) - Mongolia
Employment and labour market analysis - Nigeria
Promoting demand-driven skills in e-waste management and recycling - Kenya
Agricultural skills enhancement programme - GHANA
Enabling youth empowerment in solar energy - Tanzania
Enhancing commercial farming in the Shire valley - Malawi
Support for training and professional integration in the wood, maintenance and ecotourism sectors - Republic of the Congo
Digital room for electronics and telecom training - Digital room for electronics and telecom training in Senegal
Skills 4 Transport - Mozambique
Tool for the assessment of training needs
Capacity building on labour market analysis
Training for management of training centres
Improve the effectiveness of the Malaysian VET sector’s engagement with the private sector
Diagnostic assessment of the current apprenticeship system and development of a reform roadmap
Capacity development and advice to conduct “sector employment studies”
Creating a TVET Network for synergistic collaboration: strengthening private sector engagement and aligning VET with labor market demands
Development of training materials for domestic work
Development of accreditation standards
Development of a comprehensive National Qualification Framework (NQF)
Compare and align the Vietnam Qualifications Framework with the UK and European ones
Development of in-service training
Improving VET and employment in the CCI sector
Development of guidelines and assessment of methodology for the inclusion of persons with disabilities in TVET provision
Support with public-private dialogue (including international partnerships) and pilot master classes
Support with the development of curiculum for domestic work
Development of analytical and planning capacities on labour market analyses
Support with a case study and the development of a mentorship program for female students
Improvement of quality assurance of VET via international accreditation standards, processes and partnerships
Online training analysis, development of quality assurance guidelines and capacity training for technologically driven learning
Skills gaps identification and capacity building of artisans
Support with the establishment of a federation (forestry)
Enhance labour market analysis, training quality and management skills of the Vocational Center
Support the development of a business model leading to steady income generation and funding
Capacity building of staff of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security
Gap analysis of apprenticeships schemes and recommendations on their design and delivery
Support with the development of a curriculum for domestic work
Mentoring partnership between the UK (Hertford Regional College) and a cluster of colleges in Vietnam
Mentoring partnership between the UK (South Eastern Regional College and Dudley College) and Pakistan
Mentoring partnership the UK between (South West College) and Mauritius
Mentoring partnership between the UK (Belfast Metropolitan College) and Botswana
Mentoring partnership between the UK (South West College and Edinburgh College) and Ghana
Mentoring partnership between the UK (Isle of Wight College) and South Africa
Mentoring partnership between the UK (Herford Regional College) and Sri Lanka
Twinning between Senegal and Niger
Twinning between Senegal and Niger
Twinning between Senegal and Cape Verde
Twinning between Senegal and Cape Verde
Jang Ban: Improving skills and employability in Senegal’s eco-construction sub-sector