Key contact:
Katie Wade
Liaison Officer for the British Council
Agricultural skills enhancement programme

A key priority for Ghana is to transform agricultural value chains for food and nutrition security and job and wealth creation in the most disadvantaged regions.
Projects such as the Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP) focus on addressing key skills gaps for commercial farms and enhancing the infrastructure to increase agricultural productivity and diversification.
Following analysis of how best to support investment initiatives in Ghana, the Agricultural Skills Enhancement Programme concentrates on supporting projects such as the Savannah Zone Agricultural Productivity Improvement Project (SAPIP).
The Agricultural Skills Enhancement Programme is fostering approaches, building the capacity of relevant actors, and establishing engagement models to help ensure that training institutes can equip trainees with the skills that agricultural employers need.
The project is being delivered in the Northern, North East and Savanna Regions.
Expected main outcomes
The action will create the conditions to deliver:
- 30 VET trainers trained
- 6 VET Centres with increased capacity with increased capacity to deliver fit-for-purpose agricultural-skills development
- 280+ people in decent jobs
- 400+ people trained in practical placements