Key contact:
Manon Giovinazzo
Skills development in the sustainable construction and ICT sector

The economy of Côte d’Ivoire is among the most dynamic of the West African region with an average economic growth of 8% yearly since 2012. Despite a heavy impact of the Covid-19 crisis on Côte d’Ivoire’s economy (1.8% growth rate in 2020), the country is experiencing a steady development and benefits from a relatively stable political context after a series of political turmoils. Among other sectors, the economy is driven by the agroindustry (cocoa and cashew production and export) and the rise of the digital sector, thanks to a dynamic ecosystem of enterprises and stakeholders. The construction sector remains a very important contributor to Côte d’Ivoire’s GDP.
In Côte d’Ivoire, VET Toolbox will support skills development in specific sectors driving the Ivoirian economy. Through its action, VET Toolbox seeks to support private sector development through targeting and responding to its training needs. In addition to targeted sectors, VET Toolbox will operate as a flexible toolbox in Côte d’Ivoire, through regular monitoring of economic opportunities and needs expressed by the private sector.
To contribute to the development of human capital in Côte d’Ivoire and to enable access to employment through skills development in targeted sectors:
Support training and employment of local workforce in the digital/ICT sector:
- Investment opportunity: support entreprises of the newly created ICT cluster in Côte d’Ivoire to respond to their needs of specific skills to hire local workforce+ one of the priority sectors of the EUD in Côte d’Ivoire (2021-2027 programming).
- Modalities: 2 month-dual training in a dedicated ICT training centre (Abidjan) and partner companies.
- Specific Objectives: 60 people trained on a specific occupation highly demanded (network administrator) + pilot (2×20 people trained) on specific skills related to employment in the ICT sector – yet to be defined.
Skills development and professional integration in the sustainable construction sector:
- Investment opportunity: Target of 150 000 new sustainable housings over 5 years. Cooperation with Club Abidjan ville durable (members include Egis, Lafarge, Atos, Bollloré Logistics, Vinci Energie, …) and Lives 2 – Nhood Programme as innovative construction project at national level, supported by public authorities and involving more than 20 partners from the private sector (among which the French Mulliez Group).
- Modalities: serve as intermediary link between international entreprises winning markets in Côte d’Ivoire (members of Abidjan ville ldurable) and local companies working as subcontractors in need of skilled workforce to respond to the demand.
- Specific objectives: 300 people (50 employees each from at least 6 local entreprises in 2-4 districts) on sustainable construction techniques.
Monitor opportunities in dynamic economic sectors:
- Investment opportunity: depending on context and development. Monitored sectors include sustainable
mobility (under development ahead of CAN 2023) and biomass valorization. - Modalities: constant link to private sector federations at sectoral level and to local and international funding partners.