Renforcement des compétences numériques dans l’EFTP et l’enseignement supérieur
De quoi s'agit-il ?
Vous souhaitez apprendre à promouvoir les compétences numériques pour l’emploi ? Que vous soyez un fonctionnaire, un décideur, un éducateur, un formateur ou un apprenant, cette boîte à outils a quelque chose à vous offrir. La boîte à outils « Renforcer les compétences numériques dans l’EFTP et l’enseignement supérieur » vise à fournir des conseils aux praticiens de l’EFTP et de l’enseignement supérieur dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire sur la manière de promouvoir les compétences numériques pour l’emploi.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples ofapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples ofapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approachesapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approachesapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches and process steps in achieving the green transformation. It identifies approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
Comment ça marche ?
Cette boîte à outils est présentée sous la forme d’un PDF interactif qui comprend un cadre complet des compétences numériques, des exemples pratiques de projets réussis et des leçons apprises qui offrent des conseils sur la promotion des compétences numériques de différents groupes cibles. Il est structuré autour de trois niveaux : le niveau macro, qui comprend les gouvernements, les décideurs politiques et les régulateurs ; le niveau méso, qui comprend des représentants des institutions intermédiaires et des mesures individuelles ; et le niveau micro, qui comprend les apprenants individuels, les éducateurs et les formateurs. La boîte à outils fournit des informations et une expérience pratique basée sur plus de 20 exemples de projets, qui ont été traduits en recommandations étape par étape pour chaque niveau. Les différents projets et leurs approches ont été élaborés par la GIZ, les partenaires de la VET Toolbox (AFD, Expertise France, le British Council, Enabel et LuxDev), et d’autres acteurs leaders dans le domaine (par exemple l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la science et la culture (UNESCO), Centre de développement de l’éducation (EDC) ).