Developing VET qualifications: how to ensure they meet employer and learner needs?
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On 11 February 2021 VET Toolbox hosted a webinar on developing VET qualifications.
Qualifications are the bedrock of effective and relevant VET systems. However, in order to be effective they need to meet the needs of learners, employers, educators and policy makers. Striking the right balance between flexibility and rigour can be hard. This event will explore effective ways to develop qualifications from multiple perspectives.
Keynote speaker Steve Franklin (ECITB) focuses on the development of skills, standards and qualifications for the engineering construction workforce. Colleagues from 2 VET projects present their ongoing initiatives providing concrete examples on finding a pathway to designing and delivering qualifications that meet industry needs.
Q&A: Our speakers answered the pending questions that came up during the webinar. Find the answers here.
Download the guide to developing and implementing qualifications that meet industry needs.
Financing VET: how can a training levy help?
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On 1 December 2020 VET Toolbox hosted a webinar on Financing VET.
Not just the individual learners, but also employers and society as a whole, benefit from education, training and lifelong learning. Governments are key investors in skills development. Additionally, we also need enterprise involvement to provide stable and sustained ways of financing training, and to ensure the relevance of this training for the labour market. Financing skills development is dealt with in different ways across the globe. There is a clear need among both national stakeholders and international experts to further explore adequate financing mechanisms, that will guarantee sustainable and effective skills development systems.
This webinar highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the existing major financing mechanisms. Keynote speaker Alexis Hoyaux zooms in on sector training funds globally. During his presentation he identifies private sector resources and provides costing and budget planning tools. Finally, he visualises the participation, roles and incentives from the perspective of the employers’ organisations.
Q&A: Our speakers answered the pending questions that came up during the webinar. Find the answers here.
Labour Market Analysis: which kind suits your situation?
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On 12 November 2020 VET Toolbox hosted a webinar on Labour Market Assessment.
To be successful, employment policies and programmes must be informed by a strong understanding of the local labour market. This may include information on growing sectors, existing job vacancies, skills needed in the private sector, working conditions, etc.. Since there is no single type of assessment to understand employment and labour market dynamics, practitioners must be able to identify the most suitable type of assessment(s) for their context and needs.
This webinar will provide an overview of different types of labour market assessment and introduce relevant criteria to facilitate the choice of the appropriate instrument. Keynote speaker Kevin Hempel is the Founder and Managing Director of Prospera Consulting. He supports governments, bilateral and multilateral development organizations as well as international NGOs in the design, implementation and evaluation of employment policies and programmes, especially for disadvantaged groups such as youth, women and refugees.
Q&A: Our speakers answered the pending questions that came up during the webinar. Find the answers here.
TOOLS: Compendium of Tools for Labour Market Assessment
How to promote equal opportunities for VET learners?
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On 8 October 2020 VET Toolbox hosted the first Webinar on inclusive VET.
We hear a lot about “diversity”, “equal opportunities” or “leaving no one behind”. But what does it mean? And what does it imply for the vocational education and training (VET) sector? Nadège Riche introduced us to the key concepts of inclusion and explained how to find out strategies to establish inclusive VET centres, so socially disadvantaged groups, such as girls and women, persons with disabilities, persons living in remote areas, or people below the poverty lines, can access education as well.
Answers by Nadège Riche: Our speaker Nadège Riche answered the pending questions that came up during the webinar. Find her answers here.
South Asia Seminar on Private Sector Engagement in Skills Development
The British Council delivered an EU VET Toolbox regional seminar on ‘Private Sector Engagement in Skills Development in South Asia’ on 11-13 December 2019 in Kathmandu, Nepal. This by-invitation event was limited to 60 delegates and brought together key stakeholders from policy and practice, including employers, from across the region and beyond to explore shared challenges and practical solutions to engaging employers in skills development.
Although the five countries are different in terms of their starting points and their economic and institutional framework contexts, they all face the same challenge: designing a VET system that supports economic growth and makes the country future-proof. As a consequence, not only the policy framework and the institutional design of VET, but also the acceptance of VET by the private sector is fundamental to ensuring a successful and sustainable system. The private sector is taken to mean both employers, who may be acting in a purely commercial capacity or who may be fulfilling a corporate social responsibility policy, and private, for-profit, training providers.
Only a policy framework which promotes an active participation of the different stakeholders in VET, such as the government, the private sector, educators as well as participants, determines whether VET is a viable and attractive option – for young people as well as for economies.
The specific objectives of the seminar were:
- To analyse private sector engagement in VET in the five countries: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
- To provide a global perspective on the current opportunities and challenges for private sector engagement in skills development.
- To derive transnational policy recommendations to strengthen the role of the private sector and, thus, contribute to skill development in the region.
- To showcase UK, international and regional expertise.
- To showcase VET Toolbox project achievements to date and build engagement with the project in South Asia.
Would you like to know more? Read the post-implementation report.
Regional workshop on VET systems for youth employability in Africa
Around 125 stakeholders from 31 African countries composed by officials from public and private sectors (Min.Education, Chambers), next to directors of public/private Vocational training centers, participated in the second regional workshop organized by IIEP-Pôle de Dakar, LuxDev and IFEF in Nairobi on 18-20 June 2019, entitled “Improving quality management in TVET systems for the successful training-to-employment transition of Africa’s youth”.
Important topics such as Public Private Partnerships, how to mobilize the private sector with CNQ, daily management of Vocational training centers, renewed apprenticeship, key performance indicators, job insertion, statistics and surveys were on the programme of this 3 days workshop and lead to recommendations which PEFOP, IFEF, LuxDev will take up from here.
Would you like to know more? Read the post implementation report.
Regional seminar on public-private partnerships
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From 19 to 21 March 2018, the VET Toolbox, through LuxDev, participated in a regional seminar to exchange and strengthen public-private partnerships (PPP) in vocational education in Africa. Over three days, participants worked to:
- Enable key players in VET from 18 African countries to share their experiences to strengthen the quality and performance of the public-private partnership in their sector.
- Strengthen the dialogue between public and private sector actors.
- Stimulate the networking approach by sharing practical experiences.
- Deepen the practical and functional understanding of crucial aspects of PPP development through sessions focused on current sub-themes for African countries engaged in the renovation of their vocational training system.
- Produce a summary document.
More than 100 participants from 18 African countries were involved. The regional seminar was a collaboration between LuxDev, PEFOP (IIPE Pole de Dakar) and IFEF.