Strengthening digital competences in TVET and higher education
What is it about?
Do you want to learn how to promote digital competences for employment?
Whether you’re a government official, policy maker, educator, trainer, or learner, this Toolkit has something to offer to you. The “Strengthening digital competences in TVET and higher education” toolkit aims to provide guidance to TVET and higher education practitioners in low and middle-income countries on how to promote digital competences for employment.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples ofapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples ofapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approachesapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approachesapproaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
The Skills for the Green Transformation knowledge products showcase good practice examples of approaches and process steps in achieving the green transformation. It identifies approaches, tools, processes, and initiatives that contribute to developing the skills needed to achieve the green transformation.
The information is available through a Toolkit and a Dashboard.
How does it work?
This Toolkit is presented as an interactive PDF that includes a comprehensive framework of digital competences, practical examples of successful projects, and lessons learned that offer guidance on promoting digital competences of different target groups. It is structured around three levels: the macro-level, which includes governments, policy makers, and regulators; the meso-level, which includes representatives of intermediary institutions and individual measures; and the micro-level, which includes individual learners, educators, and trainers.
The Toolkit provides insights and practical experience from over 20 project examples, which have been translated into step-by-step recommendations for each level. The different projects and their approaches have been elaborated by GIZ, the VET Toolbox partners (AFD, Expertise France, the British Council, Enabel and LuxDev), and other actors who are leading in the field (e.g. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), Education Development Center (EDC)).