Home / Knowledge / Factsheet: Developing a training offer in the operation and maintenance of heavy machinery in Senegal

Factsheet: Developing a training offer in the operation and maintenance of heavy machinery in Senegal


The VET Toolbox project in Senegal targets skills gaps in the heavy machinery sector, partnering with SMT to create local job opportunities and increase the income of local youth. So far, achievements include the following:

  • Reinforcing a PPD between companies active in heavy machinery and Vocational Training Institutes (VTIs) which resulted in a formalised partnership agreement between SMT (representing Volvo) and two VTIs to provide Training of Trainers (ToT) and deliver comprehensive training programmes.
  • Developing four curricula catering to specific trades: Maintenance Operator for Site Machinery and Commercial Vehicles Technician Specialising in Maintenance and Operation of Site Machinery

Key targets

  • 480 people trained

  • 435 graduates employed

Read more about this opportunity-driven pilot project in our factsheet!