Home / Knowledge / Factsheet: Enhancing training and professional integration in Congo’s forestry, industrial maintenance & ecotourism sectors

Factsheet: Enhancing training and professional integration in Congo’s forestry, industrial maintenance & ecotourism sectors


VET Toolbox collaborates with both public and private partners to reinforce skills development in response to private sector needs in the growing sectors of ecotourism, forestry and industrial maintenance. More specifically, the action has achieved the following:

  • Setting up a public-private dialogue (PPD) platform engaging public and private partners and VET providers in the discussion on sector-specific challenges in skills development and job creation for youth. After starting with the industrial maintenance sector which faces the most pressing need for skilled labour, the platform now comprises members from the three sectors supported by the project.
  • Engaging in capacity development activities, upskilling employees from partner private companies, and delivering equipment and training of trainers of VTIs and companies to deliver high-quality training.
  • Developing tailor-made and certified training programmes for all three sectors (covering 10 trades), including work-based learning opportunities through high private sector involvement and dual VET.
  • Facilitating job placement and supporting graduates with entrepreneurship skills and tools to start up their own businesses.

Key targets

  • 400 people trained

  • 300 graduates employed

Read more about this opportunity-driven pilot project in our factsheet!