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Jang Ban: Improving skills and employability in Senegal’s eco-construction sub-sector


In Senegal, the construction sector is increasingly embracing eco-construction practices to align with the country’s sustainability goals set out in the Paris Agreement. However, existing Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes primarily focus on traditional construction methods, overlooking the demand for eco-construction skills.

Elementerre, a company specialising in earth-building systems is leading a significant project in Thiès to construct a 150-home bioclimatic district. The project requires a comprehensive training programme to equip qualified personnel with the necessary skills. Elementerre presented their specific skill requirements to the Advisory Board established by VET Toolbox in the country.

This Advisory Board, comprised of key stakeholders such as Eurocham Senegal, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU Delegation, Senegalese employers, the National Training Fund (3FPT), and the Ministry of in charge of VET aims to identify concrete skills development and employment opportunities in Senegal.

Acknowledging the importance of enhancing skills in earth construction to meet the demands of construction companies operating in Senegal, the Advisory Board selected this opportunity. That is how VET Toolbox launched the Jang Ban project, which focuses on strengthening professional training in earth and green construction techniques. This project targets masons, master masons, and site managers, particularly in the Thiès region, aiming to enhance their skills and employment prospects in line with the growing eco-construction sector.


VET Toolbox works together with public and private actors to reinforce skills development and unlock job opportunities in the thriving eco-construction sector. Key achievements so far include the following:

  • Organising multi-level stakeholder workshops between key private and public sector partners aimed at identifying private sector needs and a potential skills gap/mismatch between labour demand and supply.
  • Signing a formalised partnership agreement between Elementerre SARL, a construction company, and Worofila, a collective specialised in bioclimatic architecture, and two training centres to train the required labour force for the new eco-construction project.
  • Expanding the professional training offer in the field of eco-construction through the development of new professional standards and curricula.

Key targets

120 people trained

60 graduates employed

Key success factors

  • Multi-level stakeholder workshops on green construction with local actors allowed for an open discussion, and bottom-up needs and opportunity identification.

  • The project is strongly driven by the private sector, represented by Elementerre and co-funded by 3FPT, ensuring that the developed training offer is relevant for the private sector and maximising the chances for employment after completion.

  • Training modules developed with the help of 3FPT are automatically integrated into the training repertoire of the Ministry, facilitating their efficient adoption by VET centres for incorporation into other training programmes.

  • Working in a truly “opportunity-driven” way, allowed for tailoring training modules for the construction of Worofila’s eco-district in Thiès.

Read more in the project factsheet!