Home / Knowledge / Factsheet: Facilitating rural electrification through solar-powered mini-grids in Uganda

Factsheet: Facilitating rural electrification through solar-powered mini-grids in Uganda


The VET Toolbox project in Uganda addresses skills gaps in the solar energy sector, which is poised for substantial investment and job growth in the years ahead, and boosts income and job opportunities in underserved rural areas. More specifically, the action succeeded in:

  • Upskilling trainers in Vocational Training Institutes (VTIs), enhancing their capabilities to deliver high-quality training programmes.
  • Preparing individuals to harness the potential of over 24,000 mini-grids through training in basic Solar Technician and advanced Operation and Maintenance courses at various VTIs. This training model facilitated the participation of female trainees by providing gender-sensitive infrastructure and accommodation in VTIs.
  • Providing tailored business development services and basic technical skills to Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) newly connected to mini-grids through Productive Use of Electricity (PUE) training. The training promotes safe and productive electricity use for businesses while equipping participants with essential business skills. It achieves gender inclusivity through female trainers, support for mothers, flexible schedules, and breastfeeding spaces.
  • Promoting public-private dialogue (PPD) and knowledge-sharing to drive sustainable and inclusive economic development through the Sustainable Business for Uganda (SB4U) PPD platform.

Key results

  • 480 people trained
  • 402 graduates employed
  • Employment rate of 84%

Read more about this opportunity-driven pilot project in our factsheet!