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Factsheet: Managing e-waste in Kenya


VET Toolbox collaborates with public and private partners to create a conducive environment for local job creation and future investments in the e-waste sector. Notable accomplishments include:

  • Enhancing the Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) in the sector with the National E-waste Steering Committee, that allows for discussions on skills development between the private sector, the government and VET providers.
  • Developing the first approved e-waste management curriculum in Kenya, including occupational standards, learning materials, and assessment instruments. Equipping workers, organisations, and VET providers with essential e-waste handling skills, by training trainers and youth to collect, process, and refurbish electronic components and devices, facilitating business creation, and providing the necessary equipment for these activities.
  • Conducting a national e-waste study identifying business and employment opportunities in the sector. Establishing an e-waste collection centre at Meru University of Science and Technology, raising awareness of the e-waste issue and of economic opportunities arising from proper collection and disposal of e-waste.

Key results

  • 425 people trained
  • 343 graduates employed
  • Employment rate of 81%

Read more about this opportunity-driven pilot project in our factsheet!