Compendium of Tools for Labour Market Assessment
What is this tool about?
Across a variety of policy-making areas and development assistance programmes, there is a growing demand for understanding market dynamics and employer needs, in order to align employment promotion interventions accordingly. To be successful, these interventions must be demand-driven and in line with the needs of the market.
Labour market assessments (LMAs) have become a key ingredient in informing policymaking and programming. LMAs help to better understand labour market dynamics and efficiently respond to market needs. How to choose the right type of assessment for your needs and context? This compendium addresses these choices and reveals the multiple current challenges in using them.
How does it work?
This compendium serves as a “compass” on labour market assessments (LMAs) to help commissioning and conducting such assessments in the future. The guide seeks to support staff in the VET Toolbox partner organisations, other development agencies and relevant stakeholders in partner countries. It gives an overview of the different levels at which labour and employment assessments may take place and highlights the importance of considering a variety of contextual factors influencing the choice of LMAs. The Compendium also provides “How to” guidance on 11 different types of LMAs conducted by practitioners working in low- and middle-income countries.
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