Home / Knowledge / Factsheet: Developing labour market-relevant skills across 4 key economic sectors in the DRC

Factsheet: Developing labour market-relevant skills across 4 key economic sectors in the DRC


Capitalising on the achievements of the bilateral programme between Belgium and the DRC executed by Enabel in Haut-Katanga and Lualaba, VET Toolbox collaborates with public and private partners to create access to local job opportunities in key economic sectors that are contributing to the DRC´s economy. Promising achievements include:

  • Establishing a Sector Skills Council in the targeted sectoral chambers of the local branches of the Congolese Business Federation « FEC » in Haut Katanga, allowing the identification of companies and sectoral skills needs, the definition of job clusters and professional profiles, and the effective mobilisation of private and public (sectoral) TVET stakeholders and companies.
  • Developing high-quality professional training models responding to market needs and occupational standards within the framework of public-private partnerships, and targeting the four key economic sectors in the mining value chain.

Key targets

  • 400 people trained

  • 280 graduates employed

Read more about this opportunity-driven pilot project in our factsheet!